
Showing posts from September, 2020

THE ESSENCE OF MONEY (Season 3, 1960-1961)

 THE ESSENCE OF MONEY Felix, Sniffer the Hound, Rock Bottom the bulldog, and Professor For the first post, here's one from midway through the show. Features the very rarely used Sniffer, a dog character quite unlike Rock, and who, like Martin the Martian and Vavoom, is rarely used. One day, the Professor and Rock are again trying (a la THE LOAN BUSINESS and the later GETTNG RIDE OF SNIFFER) to 1) get money from Felix the Cat, but 2) avoiding Sniffer form deeming them, via canine sense of smell, a "bad risk". THey Professor suggests he and Rock spray themselves with "Good Risk Smell", and it does seem tow ork when they next re-enter Felix's loan business, but Felix is surprised to find Sniffer actually agreeing to let tnhe crooks borrow the mioney, so Felix has Sniffer sniff the other dog and the scientist, and the spray evaporates! Professor:"Just to let you know Felix..FELIX..YOU ARE AN INDIAN GIVER"! Rock, in his usual literal mindedness:"He
 Righty-O FELIX THE CAT the Joe Oriolo/Trans Lux era, 1958-1962 THis is the 100th birthday of the woirld's first major cartoon star, #FelixTheCat , star of silent and sound cartoons for theatre and TV (even in the 30s as the very first image broadcast on television). It's also the 60th anniversary, nearly 61st, of his debut on television. Welcome to my fifth blog, second show specific (Your Pony Pal Pokey,too, bub!), thsi exlcusively deals with the  color TV version, and deals with that version as appears there (not as inany revivals, therefore the final one is "FELIX THE CAT BOTTLES THE GENIE", starring the meanie genie) Not exactlty chronological,but I;ll try. A briefy history up to the 1950s take. Pat Sullivan and Otto Messmer created the original on the cart, in silent eras, becoming even bigger in comcis than Charlie CHaplin, supplanted by the Disney characfter whose voice would sort of wind up in Felix, thanks to Popeye voice and writer Jack Mercer. In the next