THE ESSENCE OF MONEY (Season 3, 1960-1961)


Felix, Sniffer the Hound, Rock Bottom the bulldog, and Professor

For the first post, here's one from midway through the show.

Features the very rarely used Sniffer, a dog character quite unlike Rock, and who, like Martin the Martian and Vavoom, is rarely used.

One day, the Professor and Rock are again trying (a la THE LOAN BUSINESS and the later GETTNG RIDE OF SNIFFER) to 1) get money from Felix the Cat, but 2) avoiding Sniffer form deeming them, via canine sense of smell, a "bad risk". THey Professor suggests he and Rock spray themselves with "Good Risk Smell", and it does seem tow ork when they next re-enter Felix's loan business, but Felix is surprised to find Sniffer actually agreeing to

let tnhe crooks borrow the mioney, so Felix has Sniffer sniff the other dog and the scientist, and the spray evaporates!

Professor:"Just to let you know Felix..FELIX..YOU ARE AN INDIAN GIVER"!

Rock, in his usual literal mindedness:"He didn't give ME no Indians!:

Back at the Professo'rs lab, the Professor this time tries a mask and disguise on Rcok, who then goes into the loan business, unrecognized by Felix, whose dog this tiem snifs Rock (still in disguise),

and thus Felix allows Rock the money, before the bigger bulldog accidentlaly loses a hankyh, which Sniffer sniffs, affirmatively letting Felix know that it's actually the crooked canine, so the two

chase Rock, who is no contacting Professor thru telephone, whose wires Felix follows the two crooks, but then he and Sniffer fall, after Rockbottom phones the boss, as a reslt of the electric shock caused by the phone call, thus

each on either side of a single telephone wire for a finisdh to part one!

In part two, they chase after the crooks, Felix and his dog being careful to walk on the telephone wires, jumpung from pole to pole, then finally jump off, then evenutsally winding up on a hay truck where Rockbottom and the Professor are inside, counting their new stolen cash! Rock comments that they're getting away fast, but then the Professor remembers that no one else is there driving. Rock goes bakc in the driver's seat, just as they crash into a tree, kncoking them punch-drunk as the trush comes apart. Meanwhile our heroes have caught up to Professor and Rock. Explaining that Sniffer tracked Rock and Professor, while vacumming the hay, with the money, Felix laughs as the Professor makes the predictable pun "$10,000" ain't hay!

Familiar Winston Sharples cues include from FIT TO BE TOYED (1958), MONKEY DOODLE, SILLY SCIENCE, and FROM DIME TO DIME (all of the last three from the spring of 1960).

This is the second of the Sniffer shorts.


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